If you support any product with any kind of live chat software, you need UserView.

Explaining Mortgage Loan Options, Handling Objections and Standing Out using Co-Browsing

Watch a couple of hundred loan officer sales script videos on Youtube and you can't miss the underlying message that borrowers don't understand loan options and strategies. Below see how 5 second screen sharing to their phone changes this.

The Co-Browsing extension shares your browser tab (containing your presentation or loan calculator or whatever you wish) directly to a borrowers phone or PC in 5 seconds.

This gives you a new way of communicating. Below are examples of using it.

When a borrower asks what type of loans you offer

When you can share any tab you wish, you can show your customer any explanation and act as their guide rather than a sales person.

Without the Co-Browsing extension

Borrower: "What types of loans do you have?"

Loan officer: "We offer fixed rate, ARMs, there's 8 year, 20 year, 30 year fixed, we have.... "

With the Co-Browsing extension

Share your browser tab directly to their phone, in 5 seconds, so they have something to look at.

Borrower: "What types of loans do you have? Should I get an ARM?"

Loan officer: "I'm going to show you the type of loans we have and the benefits of each one. Open the link I've just texted to you.... "

When a borrower just wants the lowest rate

Without the Co-Browsing extension

Borrower: "I just want the lowest rate you have"

Loan officer: "It's not as simple as that, you need..."

With the Co-Browsing extension

Borrower: "I just want the lowest rate you have"

Loan officer: "I'll show you the strategy behind the loan so you can see that the lowest rate is not always the lowest monthly payment. I've just sent you a link so you can see what I see."

When a borrower asks about smallest down payment they can make

Without the Co-Browsing extension

Borrower: "What's the smallest down payment I can make?"

Loan officer: "Well, different mortgages come with different down payment requirements... "

With the Co-Browsing extension

Borrower: "What's the smallest down payment I can make?"

Loan officer: "I'll show you the calculator now"

The advantage of the Co-Browsing extension is sharing and browsing together on any tab in 5 seconds

You can share your own personal excel sheet of loan options

You can go to your company's mortgage calculator web page and show them that.

You can share multiple tabs and switch between them as you speak to the borrower

HelloScreen is a new product built by Upscope, which works with banks and mortgage providers.

You can stand out as a loan officer by showing borrowers what they're getting, keep them engaged, prepare a tab and explanation for any objections.

Try the Co-Browsing extension now.

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