If you support any product with any kind of live chat software, you need UserView.

Re:amaze integration added to Upscope giving e-commerce companies both powerful live chat and…

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By Pardeep

Re:amaze is a live chat tool that has an incredible feature set, excellent reviews and integrations with some of the largest e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Bigcommerce, Woocommerce, Magento etc. Now it also integrates with Upscope!

Re:amaze works on many platforms

If you’re running an application and especially if you’re running an e-commerce store, then adding a live chat tool like Re:amaze is becoming an essential competitive advantage.

It builds trust, increases sales, retention and gives you the feedback you need to grow a business. Live chat is changing the relationship between customers and organisations everywhere.

First, lets remind ourselves of just why companies add live chat:

62% switch due bad customer service

63% were more likely to return because of live chat. 38% made a purchase because of it.

2/3 of 2000 encountering problems went to a competitor

6–7 times more costly to attract a new customer than retain an existing one

Businesses have said that live chat:

Increased signups by 31%

Average order value was 15% higher

30% increase in trial-to-paid conversions

14% reduction in churn

Technical issues resolved 4 times faster

Re:amaze is an understated application on the surface that is a beast underneath.

They’ve put in the work and clearly have a very loyal following.

Just check out their widget creating demo and you’ll see how far they go to get things right.

Then see details and a video of their Shopify integration with its 5 star reviews https://apps.shopify.com/reamaze

Upscope integration

Now that Upscope integrates with Re:amaze, you can go from live chatting with a customer to viewing their screen and guiding them to a purchase in one click without any of that downloads nonsense.

As with all live chat integrations, the process of adding Upscope is simple. You don’t need to set up and create any special integrations between the two apps, simply paste the Upscope installation code below the Re:amaze code and you’re ready.

You’re in good hands when it comes to documentation and support, Re:amaze have got it all covered in detail for all integrations.

This is an image of the Upscope screen share link highlighted within Re:amaze’s admin panel for an individual user. It’s one click to see their screen while chatting to them. See their help doc and advice for using Upscope.

Upscope screen share link on the Re:amaze user chat panel

Get started with Re:amaze now by seeing their list of integrations on the home page: https://www.reamaze.com/

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