Lookup code
Display Lookup code in custom button
Build your own button using HTML
You can have Upscope replace the content of a HTML element with the lookup code.
For example, you could configure the element to be #upscope-lookup-code
, and have the following on the page:
<p id="support">
If you need any help, please read the support agent
this code: <span id="upscope-lookup-code"></span>
Too many visitors?
Make sure you aren't showing the lookup code to everyone if you have a lot of Visitors online. Being four digit long, there are only so many users that can have a unique code.
You can still use the HTML Element option, but only make the element appear after the Visitor does something, like clicking a support link. We only add the code once the element appears on the page.
You can show a popup with the lookup code by creating a link to #upscope-lookup-code