

Build your own request button

Request Agent Button

Clients can request a co-browsing session with a button placed on your site. An alert is sent to the main app page and the user requesting help will appear at the top of the page.

To activate this, go to General Settings -> Request agent button. Here, you can decide when the button should appear (all the time, never, or when an agent is available), where it's placed on your website, and what the pop-up alert message says. 

How to build your own button

If you'd like to create your own button and customize how it looks, follow the steps below: 

  1. Make sure your site has the code from https://app.upscope.io/install installed already

  2. To display the button only when agents are online, listen for agentsAvailable  events.

  3. To ask for an agent, use Upscope('requestAgent'); . You can cancel the request before it is accepted by calling Upscope('cancelRequestAgent') 

  4. To know the status of the request, listen to the agentRequestUpdate event