Salesforce CRM
Learn how to connect Upscope to your Salesforce instance
There are a couple of options to integrate Upscope into Salesforce, you can either add a button which links to another tab with the cobrowsing session, or you can embed Upscope into Salesforce.
Connect Upscope
1. Connect Upscope to Salesforce
Click here to connect Upscope to Salesforce.
2. Optionally, turn on Single Sign On
Single Sign On will allow all your Salesforce users to sign into Upscope with one click.
3. Turn on Call creation
You can set Upscope to create a Task whenever you start a session from Salesforce.
To enable this, click Customize, then select Yes for "Create an object in Salesforce from the session?"
You can further customize the Task or other object we create based on your SFDC configuration.
Field mapping
"Task": {
"WhoId": "=sfdc_target_id",
"WhatId": "=sfdc_case_id",
"OwnerId": "sfdc_Admin_id",
"Subject": "Call",
"Status": "Closed",
"Description": "=information"
To customize the object, edit the field mapping JSON by using the pre-defined one as a reference. Values that start with = are dynamic and will be based on the specific session.
Option 1: Create Screen share button in SFDC
1. From the bottom of that page, copy the start session URL:
2. Then, use the following path in your Salesforce to create a button for the Upscope link:
Make sure that you choose the option "Detail Page Button"
3. Click "Save"
Adding a button to a page
Adding Setup, go to Object Manager and select the object you want to add the button to, we suggest Cases and Contacts.
In this case we'll use Cases: go into Case Page Layouts > Case Layout and drag the "Screen share" button onto the Case details section of the page.
4. Click "save"
Option 2: Adding Upscope to Lightning App Page
Smooth out the workflow for users by inserting an Upscope iframe into Salesforce, meaning they won't need to leave to cobrowse.
Either add to an existing Lightning App Page or create a new one. To create a new one:
1.Go to Setup > Custom Code > Visualforce page > New
2.Select Record Page, choose a label and target Object, we suggest you add Upscope to Cases and Contacts.
3.Make sure you check "Available for Lightning Experience, Experience Builder sites, and the mobile app". Add the Visual Force Page code found under Upscope Settings > Integrations > Customize Salesforce and paste it in the Visualforce Markup.
4.Click "Save"
5.Go to Lightning App Builder and choose which app you'd like to add Upscope to
6.Find Upscope under Components
7.Drag it to location you'd like to add it to, we suggest adding it next to "Feed" and "Related".
8.Click "Save"
While on a case, click the "Screen share" link to start a session.
You will be redirected to the user's screen if they are online, and the search page if they are not.
Wherever you've decided to add the embedded iframe, you'll find the search page, make sure you're logged into an Upscope account.
Make sure to add the user's email in the javascript for a smoother process.
After you are done, the call will be logged on the case feed.