Lookup code
How to display the Lookup code
What is the Lookup code?
Initiating a session: Lookup code
There are different ways to show the code, which can all be enabled in the settings or using HTML.
"Control" key
Have the Lookup code appear by asking the Visitor to press "Ctrl" on their keyboard 5 times anywhere on the page. This works great as it doesn't disrupt your layout and doesn't require any setup. To see an example, this is how it is set up on https://upscope.com/.
You can show a small widget on the side of the screen which the Visitor can click to see the lookup code.
Only start sessions with the code
If you want to force the Agent to use the lookup code to start a session, you can enable this in the **[settings](https://app.upscope.io/settings/teams/_/search)**.
This way, they won't see the full List of visitors, but only see the one that has the lookup code they entered. We throttle the search to make sure they can't enter all the codes.